Who we are

Friends of Mountain View Parks, or FMVP for short, was established in 2020 by a group of Mountain View residents who live in an area of Mountain View which is significantly lacking in public parkland, like much of the City. We know how important parks and open spaces are to our community since we love spending time with our families, friends and neighbors in the parks. We want to ensure adequate and equitable access to parkland for all in the Mountain View Community.

The Friends of Mountain View Parks, or FMVP for short, is a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization.

What we believe

We believe that all Mountain View residents are entitled to accessible public park space within walking distance of their home and we advocate to achieve this objective.

Parks are universally important to all residents, companies and workers in our community, regardless of age, race, gender and socioeconomic status. Parks are where our community comes together.


Our goals

We want every Mountain View resident to be able to enjoy access to large public parks and open space within walking distance of where they live from sun up to sun down.

We have come to realize that this will only be possible if residents are accurately informed about the current state of parkland in Mountain View (hint: we are significantly lacking in many residential areas of the City) and if the Community as a whole advocate for improvements to meet the needs of current and future residents.

Together we will work to ensure that neighborhood and community parks are being prioritized by the city. This is something that is to be preserved for the common good as fundamental community benefits necessary for a strong and healthy community - something that we all value for Mountain View. If we do not ensure we have adequate parks and open space for all residents, we have failed as responsible residents of the Mountain View community.

How We Got Started

We are a group of Mountain View residents who joined together when our neighborhood park was at risk of being closed. In learning about parks and open space in Mountain View, and the unaddressed challenges across the entire City we decided to form FMVP to enable advocacy across the City for all residents to have access to parks.


Friends of Mountain View Parks is a 501(c)(4) non-profit corporation incorporated in the State of California. As a 501(c)(4) corporation we are permitted to engage in political communication and advocacy.